Web3, the silent revolution

2 min readFeb 17, 2022

Web3 is becoming, along with metaverse, the new “magic” word for journalists. As was the term algorithm to talk about artificial intelligence. Web3 , which passes , at the very least , in France , as elsewhere , as a smokescreen . But hey, like the summer of the first computer age, the culture war on video games, Internet 1.0, the dotcom crisis (there the media was right, for once). But these same media did not see or wanted to see the emergence of social networks and other YouTube.
The Web3 protocol or the piping of the metaverse
HTTP, a proven protocol, only holds together with tape, cardboard and string. HTTP, was never intended to be completely secure, hence versions 1.1; 1.2 and TLS.

Web3 is totally different. Where HTTP is client-server. Web3 is a blockchain, so peer-to-peer and encrypted, but transactions are transparent between network nodes. Web 3 effectively limits a “man in the middle” attack.
Metavers: the term of the video game, but that the term …
Metavers, non-readers of Neal Stephenson fantasize and what had. In this author’s work, which serves as the basis for all the ecosystem. Metavers, even if IA_AUT_ECO is working on it, for uses and clients, which is not mainstream. IA_AUT_ECO, although working on DAPP/Web3/Metavers, also partly relies on HTTP, because it is available and has been industrially proven. And you need access.

The metaverse can hardly be mainstream. Yes, we use the vocabulary that we write Epic Games, ID Software or Bethesda Software. These are words we have known since the mid-1990s. I wouldn’t talk about virtual reality, interesting from an industrial point of view, but expensive in B2B.

Neal Stephenson, more than thirty years ago, gave us the way forward concerning the metaverse. But we can’t wait for an RFC concerning Web3, 2020, to show that another way of life, calmer, more respectful of the environment, of human beings, while being more productive, was possible. 2020 was also the very troublesome discovery of security holes.

It’s up to us geeks, creators of worlds, using tensorflow, keras, scikit learn, Blender, Unreal Engine 4/5, Nvidia Omniverse, Kubernetes, HTML5, SQL and WEB 3 to do what we can to push the limits of creativity.




of French origin, working in the field of AI for innovative IT security